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- Atomic Tetris V1.1
- Graphics and Code
- by
- Jared Tarbell
- Great, glad to see you have good taste....just kidding. Well, this
- is it, Atomic Tetris Version 1.1. I got the idea for the game after
- finishing two previous ones, Defrec and VGATetris. I found that I liked
- the simple concept of Tetris and I also found that I liked the idea of
- battling your friend, like in Defrec. I decided to try to combine
- the two and Atomic Tetris is the result...
- I started the game a few days before my birthday, May 1. After
- occasionally working on it, I completed the bug-free (Yeah, right...)
- finished product on April 19, 1991. I used Turbo Pascal V5.0 and an IBM
- 286 clone, oh yeah, and my excuse for a brain...he he he. Anyway, I hope
- you enjoy it.
- Basic Objectives
- Atomic Tetris uses the same rules and principles as does the original
- version of Tetris. You know...you drop pieces, try to complete lines, don't
- let it pile up type of thing. I'm going to assume you already know how to
- play Tetris...if you don't, you might want to get ahold of VGATetris. It's
- a simple version of Tetris which will explain to you how to play.
- Atomic Tetris has a twist however. It's a two player Tetris game were
- each player tries to destroy the other. A person wins the game by surviving
- longer than his/her opponent. That is, that your opponent piles up his/her
- screen before you do. Simple mistakes on your opponent's part, or strategic
- moves on your part can win you the game.
- The Screen
- _________________ ____________ _________________
- ( ) ( Title Box ) ( )
- ( Player 1 ) (____________) ( Player 2 )
- ( ) ____________ ( )
- ( Play Area ) ( Info Box ) ( Play Area )
- ( ) (____________) ( )
- ( ) ____________ ( )
- ( ) ( Line Box ) ( )
- ( ) (____________) ( )
- (_________________) ____________ (_________________)
- ( Player 1 Next ) ( Timer Box ) ( Player 2 Next )
- (_________________) (____________) (_________________)
- Play Areas - The part of the screen in which you will pile and arrange
- your blocks. They have the same dimensions as the normal
- Tetris playing area...10x20 blocks.
- Title Box - Just a little icon that says Atomic Tetris...in case you
- forget.
- Info Box - The Info Box displays information concerning the Specials
- that appear on the screen occasionally. See "Specials"
- for a more complete discription.
- Line Box - Shows each player how many lines have been completed by
- himself/herself. Player 1's lines are on the left, while
- Player 2's lines are on the right. What a concept....
- Timer Box - The Timer Box has two bar timers, one on the left and one
- on the right. The timer bars indicate how much time is
- left for certain Specials gotten by the player. Again,
- see "Specials" for a description.
- Next Boxes - The Next Boxes indicate to the player what type of block is
- next to appear. The left box is for the player on the left
- and the right box is for the player on the right. (Sorry, I
- know these directions are insulting, but it just might
- confuse some.)
- Keyboard Commands
- The keyboard commands are setup for the standard QWERTY keyboard.
- Below are the commands for both players:
- Player 1 Player 2
- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
- ( R ) ( T ) ( Y ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 )
- (___) (___) (___) (___) (___) (___)
- Move Turn Move Move Turn Move
- ___ Left ___ Right _____ Left ___ Right
- ( 1 ) ( G ) ( | ) ( 2 )
- (___) (___) (__\__) (___)
- Quick Drop Quick Drop
- Drop One Space Drop One Space
- (On the Numeric Pad - NUMLOCK must be on)
- Specials
- At random times during the game, small white blocks with red and blue
- letters will appear on the playing screens. These white blocks are called
- Specials and help you defeat your opponent. To use the Specials, you must
- delete the line that the Special is located in. For example, if the next
- to last line of your screen contains a hole and a Special, when you fill that
- hole and delete the line, the Special will be enacted. There are 13 different
- specials...(Future version to have many more)...each doing their own unique
- function. Only one special can be on the screen at a time and Specials will
- vanish if not gotten in a certain amount of time. Below is a list of all
- specials and what they do:
- (C) Clear Screen - Getting this special will clear your playing area, giving
- you a fresh start.
- ({) Switch Screens - This Special will switch your screen with your
- opponent's. Be careful not to get this when your friend's
- screen is worse than yours...
- (R) Randomizer - The Randomizer will delete all blocks on your opponent's
- side and will put several randomly located blocks in it's
- place. This Special makes it very difficulty for your
- opponent.
- ([]) Brick Layer - The Brick Layer Special will slow your opponent down
- greatly. Upon enacting, his/her screen will be cleared
- and it's place will form a mountain of lines, each
- missing just one block.
- (X) Chaos - Getting the Special will confuse and frustrate your
- opponent. It shuffles up his holes and blocks for a
- short period of time, and slows him down tremendously.
- (*) Idiot - The idiot, although simple, is very effective. Upon
- getting it, your opponent's controls will be reversed.
- Left is right, right is left...he he he. This confused
- state will remain until your friend gets the Antedote
- Special.
- ([]) Dotter - The Dotter is similar to the Idiot in that it stays
- in effect until the player gets an Antedote Special.
- It changes all blocks on his/her screen to small dots,
- making it hard to preceive where holes and blocks
- actually are.
- (A) Antedote - The Antedote Special only appears when needed and cures
- the Idiot and/or Dotter.
- (/) Staircase - The Staircase Special creates a "staircase" of blocks
- and holes on you opponent's screen. It makes it very
- difficult for your friend to bring his/her screen back
- down to the bottom.
- (<) Speed Up - This Special speeds up the drop speed of your opponent's
- pieces significantly and permanently. Added speed makes
- it difficult to play effectively.
- (O) Slow Down - The Slow Down Special is similar to the Speed Up except
- it slows down your drop speed. This can be very
- useful if your game has lasted a long time, or if your
- opponent has gotten a few Speed Ups.
- (D) Donator - This Special is the most effective in destroying your
- opponent. After getting this Special, every line that
- you delete will be added to your opponent's screen.
- This Special does only last for a certain time, however,
- and is shown by the timer in the Timer Box.
- (N) ???????? - ?
- Other Stuff
- One unique feature of Atomic Tetris is that upon completing a Tetris,
- (Getting four lines at a time) two lines are added to the highest point
- on your opponents screen. This can often be used to "block off" certain
- Specials that your friend may be tring to get or sometimes it can be used
- to finish him/her off for good.
- Also, when the Switch Screen Special is gotten, Specials are also
- switched which sometimes alows you to have two specials at a time. Even
- though both are on your screen, only one can be gotten at a time...sorry.
- The Grand Finale
- Well, I hope I explained it well enough...probably not. I hate this
- part...oh well. Please enjoy this game and give it to whoever you wish.
- But please...please....please...leave it in it's original form and with this
- file. Thank you so much.
- I love to hear from anyone who has comments about any of the games I
- have made. Good, bad, insane...it doesn't matter. You can write to me at:
- Jared "Yoda" Tarbell
- 3825 Inca NE
- Albuquerque, NM 87111
- Or you can leave E-Mail on anyone of these local BBS...
- The Lair of the Beast (Alb, NM) 505-822-0085 - User # 65 (Yoda)
- The Glitter Gulch BBS (Alb, NM) 505-281-4725 - User (Jared Tarbell)
- Mad Max Imagebase (Alb, NM) 505-877-8354 - User (Jared Tarbell)
- Thank you much....Yoda